Highland Direct Beef

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Bottom Sirloin
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The bottom sirloin steak is a steak cut from the back of the animal below top sirloin and above the flank.

This cut can also be referred to as sirloin butt and thick flank.

The meat is further cut into three different portions called ball tip, tri-tip and flap steak for consumption.


The brisket is one of the nine primal cuts of the steer.

There are two briskets on the steer. They come from the breast or lower chest of the animal and are located just below the chuck (shoulder).

These muscles are used a lot and carry a great deal of the animal's weight.

Chuck Roast

The beef chuck cut comes from the animal's upper shoulder and lower neck.

Steaks and roasts come from this area. Because the shape of the shoulder bone looks like a seven, chuck steaks are known as 7-bone steaks.

Chuck roasts are somewhat fattier than cuts from other parts of the body.


Flank meat comes from the animal's abdomen, below the loin and sirloin.

This primal cut is long and flat. The area contains a lot of muscle, used when the steer walks, so flank meat can prove tough if not marinated or cooked properly.

Flank meat is quite lean.

Ground Beef

Although any cut of beef can be used to produce ground beef, chuck steak is a popular choice because of its rich flavor and meat-to-fat ratio.

Round steak is also often used.

Ground beef is usually categorized based on the cut and fat percentage: Chuck: 78–84% lean.



Loin beef cuts come from the area beneath the backbone.

Loin beef cuts are among the tenderest, juiciest, and most flavorful. Unlike cuts from other parts of the body, the loin has little to do with the steer's movement or weight carriage.

That means it doesn't have as much connective tissue, which makes meat tougher.


As the name suggests beef neck is a cut taken from the neck.

It is a very economical cut.

Due to the tendons and bones found in the neck, it can be a rather tough cut if cooked quickly, but if braised or stewed low and slow, the meat will become tender.

Ox Tail

Oxtail is a popular delicacy that comes from the tail of the cow.

The tail is cut into thick pieces or chunks.

It is often stewed or braised, releasing superb flavours.



Situated under the front section of the backbone and used primarily for support.

Popular cuts from the Rib include the rich, flavorful Ribeye Steak and the Prime Rib Roast.



The round beef cut comes from the steer's hind legs, thigh, butt, and hams.

These are the largest muscles in the body. It is a less expensive beef cut and also quite lean.

Round beef cuts provide some of the best value for family meals


A rump roast is a cut of beef from the top of the back end of a cow, as far back as you can go before reaching the tail.

The entire rump and top of the back leg is called the round, but only the top is rump.



Located beneath the brisket, shank meat is cut from the leg above the knee to the shoulder or hip.

The former is the cut for the forelegs and the latter for the hind legs. Because this area is full of connective tissue, the meat is quite tough.

The shank is a small cut compared to the other primal cuts.

Short Plate

The short plate beef cut consists of the inside skirt steak, hanger steak, and short ribs.

Another term for the inside skirt steak is the outside skirt steak, but they are not truly synonymous. Both are cut from the diaphragm.

The outside skirt steak is preferable as it is more tender, but both cuts are full of flavor.


Sirloin steak comes from the top of the cow's back.

It has just the right balance of tenderness and flavor.

These cuts are often large and don't have much fat. Strip – This cut comes from the loin.


A long, narrow, and lean muscle located within the Loin, this is the most tender cut of beef available.

The Tenderloin is the source of Tenderloin Steak or Filet Mignon, and is a component of T-Bone and Porterhouse Steaks.


Top Sirloin

Top sirloin is a cut of beef from the primal loin or subprimal sirloin.

Top sirloin steaks differ from sirloin steaks in that the bone and the tenderloin and bottom round muscles have been removed; the remaining major muscles are the gluteus medius and biceps femoris (top sirloin cap steak).


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