Feeding with Highland Feeders


The operators of the feedlot seed 43 quarters of deeded lands and 11 quarters of leased land for the primary purpose of producing silage (roughage). The company purchases approximately 90% of their grain locally with the remaining 10% procured from grain companies. The feedlot has the capacity to store 100,000 bushels of grain in their bins at the mill, plus they have additional grain storage available if needed. The silage pit has a capacity of approximately 45,000 tonnes of silage product, which is divided between corn silage and barley silage. The Company produces and prepares specialized rations based on cattle age, sex, and weight range. Rations consist of barley grain, distiller's grain, barley silage, corn silage, and a supplement premix combination (protein, mineral, vitamin, and feed additive). The average daily usage of barley ranges from 12,000 to 15,000 BU per day.

In creating rations for cattle, Highland works closely with qualified animal nutritionists. Routine analysis of ration components ensure consistent quality to our feeding program.

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